Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ponger?

A guy/girl/they who’s so good at cup pong

Person 1: yo let’s play cup pong

Person 2: ok *proceeds to be super good at it*
Person 1: woah man your a master ponger

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Ponger - meme gif

Ponger meme gif

Ponger - video


Ponger - what is it?


That lady I think her name was Antiqua Pongers she drowned my friend

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What does "Ponger" mean?

The equivalent of tennis elbow, yet from the high intensity game known as beer pong. Victims show signs of swelling in the elbow region, as well as an aching sensation one gets while shooting. While cures are still being researched to fix the problem, players are instructed to play through the pain and continue to enjoy the great game of pong.

Playing beer pong for 5 straight nights will usually result in Ponger's Elbow

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Ponger - what does it mean?

a mentally handi caped person from new inn my god who let this guy out of the womb what were they thinkin he likes the virginian and the bandstand

if you mix a clod of turf and a handi cap together voila pongers

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Ponger - meaning

A word originating from discord to describe surprise after being pinged by someone.

Person A: @everyone
Person B: Pongers

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Ponger - definition

a person who smells offensively

He hasn't had a bath in yonks, he's a real ponger

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Ponger - slang

People who bounce around like the dot on the 1972 arcade game Pong e.g. people in a mosh pit

I bought a ticket in the seats to not get pummelled by the pongers on the floor

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Used as an insult.
See mong.

An extremely dumb person, who acts as if they're disabled.

Steve, you fucking ponger, what the fuck are you doing?!

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A young man who chooses a lifestyle of playing beer pong with his boyfriends as opposed to spending quality time with hot chicks.

Man, Matt is such a ponger, he has that smoking hot chick named Kelci and he'd rather go to the bar and hang with those dud friends of his instead.

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