Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pod's?

The absolute highest level of trust. So much so that you put it on juul pods. If you lie on pods you must buy that person a pack.

β€œYo, on pods I didn’t steal you’re juul

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Pod's - meme gif

Pod's meme gif

Pod's - video


Pod's - what is it?

(Verb) To POD:
To remove the ex-boyfriend/husband/wife from your home or life via a Portable On Demand Storage (POD's) unit.

POD, PODding, PODded
I PODded my ex-boyfriend.
I'll POD You!
I'm PODding him.

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What does "Pod's" mean?

slang for "partner". Means friend or partner. Comes from the Cajun slang, "pod-nah". You often here this used in golf.

Hey what's goin on pods? You down to play the back nine?" or "Great shot pods!" or "Hey, you're my pods today!

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Pod's - what does it mean?

A word for getting killed or otherwise being taken out of action in a space combat game. Comes from having to get in your escape pod.

Commander: Attack bombers!
Me: I'd love to, but I'm podded.

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Pod's - meaning

Navigating through life without any real purpose To be doing absolutely nothing important. Laying around, not going outside, just doing nothing.

β€œMax, get up and do something today, stop podding around for the fifth day in a row”
β€œJerry, you were podding around all last week, I don’t want to hear it”

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Pod's - definition

Podding, the word Joe Budden uses for "podcasting".

"Is Ish & Ice the permanent members now?" - Maino

"That's who I'm currently podding with." -Joe

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Pod's - slang

1. Fictional name of an Alien race ("Pod People"), from the 1955 novel "The Body Snatchers"

2. Seinfeld's Kramer

3. People detached from reality

Quote from Seinfeld episode s02e10 "The Appartment":

JERRY: Let me explain something to you.. You see, you're not normal. You're a great guy, I love you, but you're a pod. I, on the other hand, am a human being. I sometimes feel awkward, uncomfortable, even inhibited in certain situations with the other human beings. You wouldn't understand.

KRAMER: Because I'm a pod?

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A Think Tank expression that originated during late night sex trysts by deviant Apple techies performing after hour linguistic exorcisms. Bored with routine and monitor glaze over they reference any body part, abstract thought, sexual fantasy or deviant impulse by adding the word pod to an existing noun or noun substantive.

e.g. anus = bung pod, ass = rimpod,

A twisted incessant masturbator = squeege pod or squeege rod (a technical reference to the size of the penis or strap-on of said masturbator).

An under aged male or female nanosphincter with deviant anal aspirations = rim podling or bung podling depending on usage and context.

Tbird: Rod, pod, schmod, this ia all a buncha' booshit, yo!

Apox: Tell that to the editors at Urbandictionary dude.

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A Think Tank expression that originated during late night sex trysts by deviant Apple techies performing after hour linguistic exorcisms. Bored with routine and monitor over glaze, they reference any body part, abstract thought, sexual fantasy or unnatural impulse by adding the word pod to an existing noun or noun substantive.

e.g. anus = bung pod, ass = rimpod.

A twisted incessant masturbator = squeege pod or squeege rod (a technical reference to the size of the penis or strap-on of said masturbator).

An under aged male or female nanosphincter with deviant anal aspirations = rim podling or bung podling depending on usage and context.

Tbird: Rod, pod, schmod, this is all a buncha' booshit, yo!

Apox: Tell it to the editors at Urbandictionary dude.

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a small group of students who learn together (like peas in a pod), either for academic convenience or due to special circumstances (such pandemic, specialized programs, or homeschooling)

From Merriam-Webster blog:
The origin of pod, referring to a group of marine mammals, isn't known, but in the 20th century it was adopted to refer to small groups of students as well. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, this usage has seen an uptick, as educators consider new models for educating students remotely or in small groups referred to as "pods."

Learning podsβ€”also called "pandemic pods," micro-schools or nano-schoolsβ€”are small groups of students (typically three to 10 children) who learn together outside the classroom but still in person. Some pods are hiring tutors to teach a child's school curriculum; some pods are sharing teaching duties among parents. Other families are opting out of their kids' schools entirely and treating a pod like a home-schooling co-op with an agreed-upon curriculum.
β€” Dani Blum and Farah Miller, The New York Times, 18 Aug. 2020

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