Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Per Say?

An exotic type of fruit that is incredibly rare and so is usually not eaten, but rather preserved in a block of glass and passed down the family line

Please note: Even though Per se and Persay are two completely different words with widely varied meanings, they are sometimes used in the same place you would use one or the other in.

1. There's no doubt that gardening per say is good for the soul.

2. I am not a fan of Italian wines per say they're a bit to tannic for me.

3. The problem is not with the new family per say, but an ex-wife who is evil.

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Per Say - video


Per Say - what is it?

the guessed spelling of the Latin words 'per se' which mean in-and-of-itself.

This does not mean that it's not valid per say.

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