Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pdiddle?

When you see a car with one headlight out you touch the top of your car saying "Pdiddle!" Whoever does it first.. wins.

*sees light out* *hits ceilling* "PDIDDLE!!"

👍59 👎47

Pdiddle - video


Pdiddle - what is it?

When one headlight of a car is out and one is on.

I see a pdiddle!

👍75 👎51

What does "Pdiddle" mean?

A game in which whenever you see a car with only one headlight, whoever isn't quick enough to call "pdiddle" first has to take off one item of clothing.

*car passes with one headlight* John calls "PDIDDLE!!" and Sarah and Matt both take off their shirts.

👍139 👎55