Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Pan-Asian?

A term intended to be derogatory; used against young, skinny, good-looking, Japanese/Italian men named Jimmy who are visiting the "armpit of America", also known as Detroit, MI. The term "Pan-Asian" is often used by corpulent, balding, middle-aged white males wearing XXL Hawaiian-print button up shirts while drunkenly bragging about running for Congress, as a result of being told they would get zero votes for the fact that they are "douche-bags". Sidenote: these fat white men do not appreciate being thwarted by the infamous "fakeshake" maneuver, wherein said Pan-Asian offers to shake hands, and instead quickly pulls hand away to comb side of head and obnoxiously yells, "Psyche!"

"I'm gonna kick your Pan-Asian ass, motherfucker!"

👍71 👎129

Pan-Asian - meme gif

Pan-Asian meme gif

Pan-Asian - video
