Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PRIDE?

A gathering of poets for the purpose of exchanging ideas and styles

A pride of poets met at the coffee house.

👍115 👎45

PRIDE - meme gif

PRIDE meme gif

PRIDE - video


PRIDE - what is it?

Is a good thing to have,

But don't overdose on it. Pride can lead to the worst choice in your life. To never take the chance to reconcile a friendship that should have meant the world to keep.

👍699 👎199

What does "PRIDE" mean?

(v.) To engage in LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) Pride Fedstival-related activities, usually in the summer time.

We'll be priding this weekend. How about you?

👍69 👎19

PRIDE - what does it mean?

A sense of one's own proper dignity or value; self-respect.

I have my pride and will not sink to your standards

👍1909 👎551

PRIDE - meaning

Something you feel before falling flat on your face

From hitter to Rhonda rousey. All had great pride before meeting their fate

👍147 👎29

PRIDE - definition

A group of gay people.

Broski #1: Yo dawg see them folks with that rainbow flag.

Broski #2: Ya what about'em?

Broski #1: I read somewhere they're called "A Pride."

Broski #2: No!

Broski #1: True story mang.

👍25 👎11

PRIDE - slang

A pro-gay people movement with a flag similar to an Airhead XTreme.

How's the PRIDE movement going?

👍27 👎19


Acronym used in a secret by LGBT people for hardcore and yet not accepted by society sexual behaviours. It is taken from:

P-edophiles, R-apists, I-ncestors, D-og E-xploiters

The LGBT community is celebrating their PRIDE month.

👍27 👎13


A completely rockin group of kids who don't do drugs and alcohol.. LIKE GEORGE.OBEAST.HAMMOND.CHETSER.AND STRINGHER.


👍51 👎51


PRIDE is an event created to give the illusion that rightfully marginalized and generally unaccepted degenerates are meaningful members of society.
PRIDE is designed to be subversive and fracture all the tenets that make the West a success. Events include, but are not limited to;
PRIDE parades: Street carnivals were children are exposed to naked men and women, often simulating sexual acts on each other, or swinging their decorated genitalia.

Drag Story Hour: Convicted abusers dress up in women's clothes and wear wigs and make up, then proceed to read Liberal propaganda to children, often normalising or celebrating degeneracy. Transgenderism is highly encouraged and promoted as a healthy alternative lifestyle to children as young as 3, despite having a suicidality rate of 40%. So is intergenerational sex, commonly known as pedophilia. The phrase "love is love" is uttered to justify it.

SlutWalks: Not comprising only LGBTQXYZ alphabet people, but designed to subvert and destroy the moral fabric of society, and features LGBTQXYZ symbolism and slogans extensively. Encourages young girls to have sex with anyone they want, whenever they want, and not consider consequences or the greater impact on society. Abortion is then normalised and encouraged as a remedy to their sluttiness. Again, designed to erode the values of Judeo-Christian Western society.

In short, PRIDE is AIDS to society, as are the mongrels that comprise it's membership. Just say no to PRIDE.

Mincer Bottom: Oh heeeey girl, you going PRIDE to sissy dat walk?
Chad: I'm a man. And no, I will not endorse or encourage your degenerate Marxist parade.
Mincer Bottom: Date rayciss, homophones, I'm calling da cops I want defunded

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