Definder - what does the word mean?

What is POSTING?

This is this post is this post and maybe it even is THIS POST

Iā€™m in this post

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POSTING - meme gif

POSTING meme gif

POSTING - video

POSTING - what is it?

To stay where you are put. To hang out somewhere.

Hey Rob, I'm jsut going to post here tonight.

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What does "POSTING" mean?

when you are going to be at one place for a long amount of time && won't be switching locations.

justin: heyy. what you doin toniight?

stephanie: not a thing. i'm posted at my parents house til bout 8 toniight.

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POSTING - what does it mean?

chillin' or relaxin' in one place

yo word is dat, he postin' at hiz momma'z crib

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POSTING - meaning

An adjective used to describe things that are dated, unhip, or lame but were once considered "in vogue" and in style. Most commonly used by those who are or think of themselves as fashionably elite.

I can't believe he still listens to drum and bass, that scene is so post.

How could she buy him a furby for his birthday, those things are so post.

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POSTING - definition

chilling in one spot, usually with nothing to do.

I don't want to hang out with them, they are just posted up at Ryan's house.

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POSTING - slang

(adv) beyond postmodern; exceedingly or terminally hip. Often used ironically.

"You're so post-post, why don't you go deconstruct your mother's combat boots?"

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Also known as suppose to be

Jimmy post to be eatin that booty like grocery

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One who is too cool to be hipster, and will therefore reject hipster styles and tastes. Post-posts, or pomo hipsters, are currently difficult to define only because they tend toward a slightly wider set of tastes than your average stereotype. The most important quality is that a post-post realizes the hippocracy of hipsterism and tries to overcome it. Post-posts will sometimes acknowledge the fact that they are post-post, and if called hipster, will sometimes

Person one: "Does this make me look too hipster?"

Person two: "You're wearing a polo; of course not."

Person one: "Does it make me look too preppy?"

Person two: "Oh my gosh, you are such a post-post!"

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Stands for "Pretty Obvious Sexual Tension Involving Nasty Girl". "Nasty" can also mean Nice, New, Nefarious, or Neat. "Girl" can also be subbed for Guy. When, during a social encounter, there's a clear mutual attraction and desire for sexual intimacy that is never consummated.

"Dude, I should be banging right now because I was straight POSTING at that party"

"Did you see me POSTING up with that chick?"

"I just want to engage in some serious POSTING action tonight"

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