Definder - what does the word mean?

What is PMW's?

Fuckin' Poor Mans Whistler

There's was shit show...and then there was PMW.

PMW...Fuckin Poor Mans Whister!!!...Fuckin Poor Mans Whistler!!!

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PMW's - meme gif

PMW's meme gif

PMW's - video


PMW's - what is it?


Group of kids from Meriden that think there the shit.
Got there name from Lil Wayne's song PMW
All they want is Pussy Money and Weed.

Yo, mad heads are goin to PMW's party tonight.

👍81 👎123

What does "PMW's" mean?

prove me wrong

pineapple goes on pizza, pmw.

👍29 👎13

PMW's - what does it mean?

Pizza, movie, wank(masturbation). A perfect lazy friday, when u couldn't be bothered to go out. Used in South Dublin slang.

I couldn't be bothered to go ages away for a crap party, instead i'll have a PMW

👍83 👎103

PMW's - meaning

Stands for Palpate My Weiner.
Means to touch my Weiner. Usually in a sexual way. Sometimes it can be used in an instance where there has been an injury to the Penis.

I'd love for someone to PMW, I've done it enough myself.

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PMW's - definition

Patting My Weave

Eating some chicken wangs, watermelon and sippin on dat purple drank, PMW.

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PMW's - slang

Pizza, Movie, wank

im having a PMW this weekend...

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Pennys (Pennsylvanias) most wanted. A dangerous gang in the South Allentown/North Philly area on the border of PA and NJ.

The fuck, u aint pmw for shit.

👍51 👎25


Pussy, Money, Weed

The three things one needs in their whole life.

"All I want is PMW."

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PMW = Pussy Money Weed

It is said to be the three top things men enjoy the most. Also, it is a song made by Lil' Wayne.

Man, I love my boo more than PMW.

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