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What is P-51 Mustang?

Undoubtedly one of the finest fighters the United States had during World War II. Started when a salesman named James Kindleberger of North American Aviation made a contract to sell a new airframe to the British. Around 120 days later, the first prototype was flown. When America joined the war, they started using it too.

The new aircraft had a revolutionary wing design that reduced drag and improved performance. It did not, however, mix well with the Allison engine. Later models had the Rolls Royce Merlin engine, and the true potential of the Mustang was unleashed. These aircraft could now escort the big bombers from England to Germany, let the bombers destroy the factories, and escort them back. They could even take off from islands like Iwo Jima, do everything they needed to do, and come back. The Mustang could even take on the world’s first jet fighter, the German ME-262.

In conclusion, the P-51 Mustang, one hella fine fighter.

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P-51 Mustang - video


P-51 Mustang - what is it?

The Finest american WW2 high altitude Interceptor ever built. originally designed as a fighter bomber, It proved too much for it carry 100 lbs bombs so that role of fighter bomber was switched with the P-47 ThunderBolt. The mustang proved capable as a long Range bomber escorter and a high altitude Dog Fighter.
Today, the P-51 is popular as a civilian aircraft, In airshows, air races, and many others

Some of the Finest american Aces flew P-51s, and many P-51 Mustangs still live to this day

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