Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oska?

Most usually a teen boy who is strangely into loli's and other small things. They tend to boast about the oddest sexual favours and usually have a penis size of under 2 inches. They usually want you to call them papa or papi.

"Papi Oska came round last night."

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Oska - meme gif

Oska meme gif

Oska - video


Oska - what is it?

Twat with a stupid fucking hat

Chris Richmond is a twat with a stupid fucking hat

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What does "Oska" mean?

A koala bear that stays on your desktop. The equivalent to bonzi buddy, oska will work as spyware and should not be downloaded.

Damn you, oska! I wish I never downloaded you!

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Oska - what does it mean?

Alternative spelling of Oscar, Oskar, Osker. Not very common.

"How do you spell my name?"
"No, it's Oska."

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