Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oradell?

A really rich town in Bergen County, NJ. We share our middle and high school with River Edge, thus naming us 'RiverDell'. We have like the best place to hang out ever -Cool Beans- where they have comfy couches and live music every friday night. Its virtually impossible to find a decent house in Oradell or River Edge for under $500,000, most people here are preppy. We are the RiverDell BlackHawks!!! w0000t

I went to Oradell with some of my buds and chilled to the music at Cool Beans.

👍67 👎117

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Oradell - what is it?

A rich town in New Jersey.Oradell is a small town with around 8,000 people so we dont go to our own high school. We go to high School with near by River Edge, so we are called River Dell.The average home price in Oradell is 650,000 dollars.

Oradell Person1 :I am so boared living in Oradell there is nothing to do.

Oradell Person2:Lets go to Paramus and watch a movie.

👍109 👎55