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What is Oneyplays?

A Let's-Play comedy YouTube channel created by Chris O'Neill (OneyNG) featuring solo but mostly co-hosted gameplay/comedy commentaries classically featuring anonymous pseudonymed guests DingDongVG and Julian, but more recently fellow animator and long time friend Zach Hadel (Psychicpebbles), Joshua Tomar (Tomamoto), Lyle Rath, Cory (Spazkidin3d), and many others.

Man 1: Hey, have you seen Oneyplays?
Man 2: No what's that?
Man 1: It's like The Game Grumps but funny!
Man 2: Cool man I'll check it out.

👍61 👎11

Oneyplays - meme gif

Oneyplays meme gif

Oneyplays - video
