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What is Oliver Thredson?

Oliver Thredson is a fictional character in the American Horror story series. He’s in season two asylum and takes the appearance of a typical psychologist, but it’s later revealed he’s a murderer named bloody face.

You’ll never believe the plot twist Oliver Thredson was bloody face!

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Oliver Thredson - video


Oliver Thredson - what is it?

Oliver Thredson is a creepy pervert who raped the hottest woman in the world, Ms Lana Winters. He has a thing for this one bitch Michelle or on instagram your welcome. From American Horror Story Season 2

Oliver Thredson should burn in a hole

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What does "Oliver Thredson" mean?

A creepy rapist serial killer who raped the sexist woman alive, Miss Lana Winters. He has an okay body and good looks and some serious Mommy issues. He is from ahs season 2 asylum.

Oliver Thredson should burn in a hole.

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