Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Offee?

When one proceeds to use the peel of a banana as a masturbatory tool.


The only thing better then the banana split I had last night was the banana offee right after.

👍43 👎13

Offee - meme gif

Offee meme gif

Offee - video


Offee - what is it?

The coffee which is so off that it's called Offee!

Why are you having an offee?!

👍27 👎11

What does "Offee" mean?

Office coffee. A bitter, dull, sludge-like liquid people force themselves to swallow when they need a hit of caffeine but have neither the time nor the inclination to leave the office for coffee.

GUY 1: "Man, I'm so tired. Going to make myself a cup of that offee."

GUY2: Good luck with that.

👍53 👎21