Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oeuvre?

Awesome band, Genre is Alternative/Rock/Flamenco. Forever Oeuvre means the Endless tale of and Artists work.

Scene kid: omg i looove hollywood undead and like forever oeuvre! im not a whore!
Me: Stfu! *scene-bitch slap*

👍37 👎17

Oeuvre - meme gif

Oeuvre meme gif

Oeuvre - video


Oeuvre - what is it?

oeuvre is the official blog of Fr. C. Rodrigues Institute of Technology showcasing the up and coming creative talent in the institution. The Website is a showcase to the immense potential of engineering students around the world.

have you read oeuvre fcrit? It's cool

👍47 👎13

What does "Oeuvre" mean?

A word used by literature professors to express superiority.

"Faulkner's oeuvre is characterized by interminable posturing."

Or, less self-referentially: "I had oeuvre and sausage on toast for breakfast."

👍55 👎41

Oeuvre - what does it mean?

Work as in a work of art. (In french. Is not the plural of egg (oeuf).

J'aime mon neuveau oeuvre d'arte. C'est fantastique et magnifique.
(Translation: I love my new work of art. It's fantastic and magnificent.)

👍73 👎21