Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Oddkast?

Human fecal matter inside a cooler.

Person 1: "Ew! You keep Oddkast Chocolate in your cooler?"
Person 2: "I can't really go anywhere else"

👍27 👎11

Oddkast - video


Oddkast - what is it?

Oddkast is a racist white nationalist twitchstreamer that somehow is not banned. He believes in racist stereotypes agains blacks and Hispanics. He's also an anti-semite.

Guy1:Did you se that streamer oddkast? He's so bigoted.
Guy2: Yes, he called me the n word while I was chatting with him.
Guy1: I can't believe how he's still permitted to stream on twitch, it's disgusting.

👍285 👎51