Definder - what does the word mean?

What is OCCD?

Stands for "Obsessive Conversation-Contribution Disorder". Refers to where someone feels an irresistible urge to join in on a discussion and "add his two cents" during a break in a conversation, even if the speakers are not addressing him and the topics in said conversation have nothing whatever to do with him.

Sometimes a person with apparent OCCD is merely feeling lonesome or "left out" a lot of the time; joining one or more social groups can often go a long way to alleviate these unhappy feelings and reduce the resulting symptoms.

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OCCD - meme gif

OCCD meme gif

OCCD - video


OCCD - what is it?

Obsessive Compulsive Call Disorder

OCCD is a condition which causes a person to repeat call to get your attention irrelevant of what you might be doing for irrelevant and unimportant reasons... "oh my god.. i have 7 missed calls in the last 5 mins" ...also afflicts exes who refuse to accept you have ceased to require them in your lives.....

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What does "OCCD" mean?

Obsessive Compulsive Chat Disorder - when you compulsively and absent-mindedly check your facebook or other chat despite knowing that no-one you want to talk to will be online.

The internet equivalent of constantly checking the empty fridge in the hope that some good food has materialised since you last checked it 5 minutes ago.

OCCD in action:

6:23pm - Damn it, John's not online
6:30pm - Hey, maybe John's online now...
6:36pm - I'm bored, I should just make sure John's still not online
6:40pm - Maybe if I check just once more he'll miraculously appear...

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