Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Notch's?

A notch is a very unspecific unit of measurement.

Hey, Jacob, that wall is three Notches high. " "Yeah, but this book is like six Notches thick.

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Notch's - meme gif

Notch's meme gif

Notch's - video


Notch's - what is it?

(Verb) To inadvertently DDoS attack a website due to sudden interest, often caused by a reccomendation from someone with many online followers or fans.

Coined on the 26th August 2011, when popular indie games developer Notch (Markus Persson) directed his 300,000 or so twitter followers to visit the website of Grimrock, another indie game, almost immediately crashing it.

Notch: Check out this awesome game! *trollface*

Me: Man, that website is gonna get Notched.

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What does "Notch's" mean?

To shave multiple lines (usually two or three) through one's eyebrows to try and look hard.

I was watchin Aaron Lennon and I saw he was notched, so I was like damn I need to do that.

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Notch's - what does it mean?

aka Markus Persson, the original creator of the popular video game Minecraft.

Holy cow, Notch just joined our server!!!!!111!!!11

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Notch's - meaning

Notch: Another word for Jesus.
Anyone who play minecraft know him.

Hey look, notch joined our server!

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Notch's - definition

Something being of good quality. As in Top Notch

That game was notch

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Notch's - slang

A notch is a unit of measurement for sexual partners. Some people count anything more than kissing as a notch, and some people only consider sex as a notch. They are a count of how many people you have hooked up with, and not how many hook ups you have had.

That's nothing, after last weekend I'm at 23 notches.

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A famous man, developer of Mojang. His company created Minecraft, Scrolls, and Cobalt.

I hear Notch is working on a new game!

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A notch is a piece of eyebrow missing due to a razor.
How it occurs:
1. Person A makes a boast about something they will due
2. Person B says "notch"
3. Person A must then do the thing that they boasted about or else Person B will get to take a piece of their eyebrow

Person A: I'm going to go climb the CN Tower now
Person B: Notch
Person A: Crap, it was just a joke
Person B grabs a razor

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Slang shorthand for the campgrounds surrounding Franconia, New Hampshire, specifically Franconia Notch. Located in northern New Hampshire, in the White Mountains, The Notch is a decent place to stay for a weekend of camping and fishing. Plenty of streams nearby on Route 93 and each camp ground has a decent amount of privacy. Aggressive squirrels abound.

Zack was surprised that we had skewered fluffy, but what did he expect? This was the notch, after all.

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