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What is Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist?

An "indie" movie. With Micheal Cera, and Kat Dennings. About a boy dumped by his ex who his still madly in love with, then he plays at a show of his with his gay band members, and he ends up hooking up with Norah(Kat) and then they loose there drunk friend. its all about there adventure finding their drunk friends and a band Wheres Fluffy in New York City.

Its slightly funny, and has good music, with an amazing story, and plot. Every friend of mine who has seen it has LOVED it.

friend 1: have you seen Nick & Norah's infinite Playlist?

Me: fuck yes. best movie ever made.

Friends 1: i know! its so good.

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Nick & Norah's Infinite Playlist - video
