Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Neese?

A fantastic k-pop idol from the group 9rush

He is just the definition of perfection, you just need to Stan them.

"did you know the perfection" "no" "well is called Neese from 9rush"

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Neese - meme gif

Neese meme gif

Neese - video


Neese - what is it?

place of hicks, rednecks, and crackheads. one stoplight. anyone worth anything lives OUTSIDE the town limits!

That's a Neeses pieces hoochie right there!

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What does "Neese" mean?

From the Hebrew word `aTishah. Neesing(s) is an English word invented in the 1600s by the King James translators due to the lack of an English word which means
- To voluntarily blow air out of your nose.

God talking about Leviathan. "By his neesings a light doth shine, and his eyes are like the eyelids of the morning." Job 41:18.

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Neese - what does it mean?

The plural version of noose.

You have a lot of neese

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Neese - meaning

A Neese is the most incredibly beautiful, charming, talented and wonderful woman in the entire universe. No other woman compares to a Neese. Often when a Neese is standing near another woman she makes them look like a swine or other pig-like animal by comparison. She has a perfect body, shiny brown hair and endlessly beautiful brown eyes which sparkle like diamonds. To be with her is like floating on a fluffy white cloud of absolute bliss. Her voice is like sweet music. Her smile is the single greatest gift you could ever be given.

Neese makes every day better than the last.

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