Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NOTER?

Its a word

Thats a Noter

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NOTER - meme gif

NOTER meme gif

NOTER - video


NOTER - what is it?

Slang for at spille Warframe

Asbjรธrn: Hey Snorre er det for at tage noter?
Snorre: Ja jeg tager rent faktisk noter

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What does "NOTER" mean?

An established colony of people who claim to be worthy of being trusted/believed just because they put stuff in writing --- i.e., "take notes".

I was told to find a "noter republic" to assist me in creating certified copies of important legal forms, but I don't see why I should have to travel to some distant country just for the purpose of legitimizing a few documents.

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NOTER - what does it mean?

Big-noter is Australian slang for a boastful person.

How much of a big-noter would I look if I had the mayor's daughter working under me?

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NOTER - meaning

Someone who takes a situation and embellishes it to make themselves look better than they actually are.

a big Noter: "I'm driving my BMW down to my country estate on the weekend"

Reality: Driving a 1993 beaten up BMW down to the local trailer park.

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NOTER - definition

Individuals that feel the need to scribble on a piece of paper their disdain for the most trivial parking situation. They seem to have a lot of pent up rage and anger issues. Most likely a narcissist as well.

Aw man, some noter got me. Said to โ€œplease pull up because other people need to park here tooโ€. A car was 2 feet in front of me, where am I to โ€œpull upโ€ to?

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