Definder - what does the word mean?

What is NEBIL?

Basically a living god. Sexy as hell and is a pro at using CAD software like Fusion and Inventor.

Person 1: Bro, what religion are you? Aren't you agnostic?
Person 2: I was, until I found Nebil. He is epic and I worship him.
Person 1: Bruh

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NEBIL - meme gif

NEBIL meme gif

NEBIL - video


NEBIL - what is it?

To be kind, chill, and neutral

*scenario: two of your best friends are fighting what do you do?*

*stay neutral and try to fix the problem, or be Nebil*

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What does "NEBIL" mean?

A very hot guy who has a really cool personality,really good at basketball and has a deadly shot in ball has a lot of friends and who is really nice and likes to make people smile,also someone who you can talk to if you are ever in a bad mood and his friendship in one in a billion just like him so if you have a nebil in your life make sure to hold on to him.

-Friend yo have you guys heard how good he is at basketball if he gets the ball in his hands and his trying to shot the ball don't even bother to try blocking it, it's always going in when it comes to this definition of nebils al over the world it is undefined

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