Definder - what does the word mean?


a funny way to make fun of that Jesus Christ guy. Because people don't like that dude anymore. It sounds like "jesus of nazareth." get it? It's funny. Jesus...what a stupid bastard. So he died for my sins...but then he got to come back to life 3 days later? What bull-shit. I know of plenty of people who died for better reasons than that...and they didn't get to come back to life 3 days later.

Cheeses of Nazareth...mmmm, sacrilicious

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NAZARETH - meme gif

NAZARETH meme gif

NAZARETH - video


NAZARETH - what is it?

Nazareth Academy is an all girl school in Rochester, NY. All of the girls are either boring, stuck up, or losers. Nazareth changes principals at least once a year. Nobody really knows about Nazareth, and all of the boys at McQuaid, and everywhere else, but mainly McQuaid, thinks they are lesbians. There's actually like 7 lesbians in that school out of 200 students. The school is probably the smallest high school in Rochester. Nazareth thinks it is rivals with Aquinas Institute, but really, it doesn't have a rival. Nazareth has a good dance program and a good curriculum, but that's about it. Nobody cares much about Nazareth because it is so small and the girls are bitches.

McQ boy 1: "That girl goes to an all girl school?"
McQ boy 2: "MERCY?!"
McQ boy 1: "No, this place called Nazareth Academy. I've never heard of it."
McQ boy 2: "There's two all girl schools?"

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What does "NAZARETH" mean?

one of the fakest most annoying types of kids in a school. they are fake, act tough, and try to get you in there pants.

k: omg this nazareth wrestler snapped me ๐Ÿคผ โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿคผ โ™‚๏ธ
A: omg what did he send

k: streaks๐Ÿคง

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NAZARETH - what does it mean?

A city in Israel and its where Jesus grew up.

An all-girls catholic school created in 1920s. Girls there were once known as Nancy Anns, but today they are known as Naz men. The good things are that there is good education that prepares everyone for the colleges they apply to, you would find some really smart, kind girls, youโ€™ll have a good friend that lasts forever, you get out of school early for the summer, and your parents would be proud of you. But no school is perfect. Alcohol is the norm, people look depressed in the hallways, some teachers are ugly inside and out, the non-popular sports arenโ€™t given much attention too, you would find a lot of bitchy girls, some parents send their slutty daughters there and there are no boys, so donโ€™t ever go there if youโ€™re boy crazy.

what school you go to?


oh they named the school after jesus' hometown.

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NAZARETH - meaning

The sexist man alive. Very athletic, and the best at everything.

Damm I wish I could be like Nazareth heโ€™s so handsome and buff also has a big DICK!

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NAZARETH - definition

Nazareth is a kind, athletic girl who considers others in what she does. She is smart, funny and natural at improv. If you meet a Nazareth, you are very lucky because when she says she loves you she means it. She is a great friend and an even better girlfriend. If you find yourself meeting a Nazarethโ€ฆ marry her.

Person 1: โ€œI just met the nicest girl called Nazarethโ€
Person 2: โ€œNazareth is a gem and hopefully one day my girlfriendโ€

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NAZARETH - slang

a biblical place in Israel where Jesus Christ himself was born. Home of Christian pilgrimage.
an awesome Scottish band starting in 1968, with hits like Love Hurts or Whiskey Drinking Woman.

B: Holy Jesus of Nazareth!
M: What?
B: Since when does Nazareth get radio play?

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Nazareth PA, you know the place if you live there. If your bored.. stop driving around looking for things to do, because there are none. Turn around, go back to your house and light up or drink.

Person A: Hey where do you live?
Person B: Nazareth
Person A: Where?

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The sexiest man alive. Very athletic, and the best at anything and everything

Damm I wish I could be just like Nazareth heโ€™s so handsome and buff.

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A very sexy, cute, and handsome man. He is the man of your dreams. He is the best. He is so cool. Nazareth is the god damn sexiest man that will ever exist.

Girl 1: Dammnnnnn, heโ€™s so hot, he must be named Nazareth.
Girl 2: HEโ€™S MINE!
Girl 1: ๐Ÿ˜ฎ NO HEโ€™S MINE!

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