Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Moon Cricket?

A member of the afrocentric persuasion.

I was lost in the dark, luckily the teeth of that moon cricket showed me the way.

👍8417 👎3945

Moon Cricket - video


Moon Cricket - what is it?

A White person.

Moon Crickets are going extinct.

👍27 👎33

What does "Moon Cricket" mean?

Derogatory for an Indian (Asian) person. Thought to have come from British Colonial in India, coined by British expats/ colonists.

The British, with a long history of playing the game of cricket, did so in India during the 17th century and beyond. The local Indians seeing this new game became curious. Not to make the colonial masters upset, they would stay up late into the night, and sneak in games of cricket under a full moon.

This became a regular tradition, and soon the Indians were allowed to play during the day. But the term stuck...

Moon Cricket, derived from the Indian slaves sneaking in games of cricket at night.

"Sir, I do believe those bloody Indians are trying to mimick us....they are playing cricket by the light of the moon...Moon Crickets it shall be!!!"

👍77 👎235

Moon Cricket - what does it mean?

A young black male who comes out at night making threats, speaking lies, divulging private information and reciting events of the past, that the average person would say is out of line. He comes across big like a monster truck mud tire when he has his folks around him. When he is alone he hides in a corner somewhere scared and if you see him he no longer looks like a big monster truck tire he looks like a flat tire on a moped that is out of gas. He talks a big talk and you wait for him all day with your doors wide open or sit outside. He disturbs disrupts and distracts saying things like he scared he won't come out a 3am in the morning he is scared. The next day you get up early and go outside and wait

all day even leaving the doors to your home open. After waiting all day and night time comes around 10:30 pm you go inside and lock up your doors take a shower and relax with music or a t.v show. Five minutes after you finally go inside giving up he comes outside and says look he scared he went inside.

Cody you fucking Moon Cricket he waited for you all day and you come outside after he finally goes inside and locks his door because it is late. Moon Cricket he is not scared of you he waited for you all day but you wait until its almost midnight to come outside and fight him.

👍25 👎11

Moon Cricket - meaning

A racial slur that can be used for a variety of ethnicities, with different meanings for each as defined below:

When used against a Black person: Person goes out making noise at night.
When used against a white person: Big Eyes and gangly legs.
When used against an Asian person: Snotty violinist who's afraid of the sun.

Well look what we got there Sally! Moon crickets in all shape and forms.

👍119 👎139

Moon Cricket - definition

A pale skinned, cum complexioned white person. Moon=Pale, and a lot of white people have big eyes and skinny legs.

"Too many of these Moon Crickets have a problem with lice. I try my best to stay away from them"

👍489 👎699

Moon Cricket - slang

Moon Cricket- A stanky black person like breath and body odor/.

Damn that nigga sharkeisha a moon cricket

👍135 👎75

Moon Cricket

A person in the African American race.
One that sits on a porch under the moon by ones self and plays the banjo,while their only audience are crickets playing their chirps.

Jamal is such a MOON CRICKET

👍2073 👎1523

Moon Cricket

Derived from the word Moon and Cricket. An African American Male who only perfers to come out and socalize during the evening hours.

Shit, I am not going down that street, there are fucking Moon Crickets everywhere.

👍4719 👎2809

Moon Cricket


Them moon crickets always walk in the middle of the road and dare you to hit them.

👍183 👎65