Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Moodswing?

A Manhattan Moodswing begins when you are fucking a girl in the ass and you sense a sudden mood change for no apparent reason. You then lift a nearby cinder block over the girl's head and knock the bitch out. You then flip her over and start doing her hardcore in her limp vagina.

Haidyn: Zoie, what the hell is that on your head?

Zoie: I'm not sure, but I think I received another Manhattan Moodswing.

Haidyn: Damn, he knocked you the fuck out.

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Moodswing - meme gif

Moodswing meme gif

Moodswing - video


Moodswing - what is it?

an extreme, rapid series of emotions that leave everyone involved including the person who is experiencing the emotions confused, disoriented and/or confused

Becky went from calm to sobbing to gleeful to pissed to dispondent all in one day. This frustrated and confused her parents, friends and Becky herself. They experienced moodswing whiplash.

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What does "Moodswing" mean?

Mood going from one mood to the other in the space of 2-3 seconds

My friend/cousin Lisa has moodswings...constantly.
Not Joking..

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Moodswing - what does it mean?

The word every girl uses to explain why they did a stupid or a bad thing in the past. Usually the person who uses moodswings as a cover is a bitch.

OMG haven't you ever heard of moodswings thats why i did you idiot. Sassy bitch whore

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