Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mole Day?

A day to give back to that friend that is an actual freaking mole rat. She/he might as well live in the sewer. Now for this day you must walk up to this friend and lean in to a hug. When your face is next to theirs BITE THEIR EAR OFF, THEY WON'T EXPECT IT. Then pinch their nose and pull their hair and screem at them CRACKHEAD!!!!

I can't wait until national mole rat day! That friend is gonna pay!!! 😈

👍33 👎13

Mole Day - video


Mole Day - what is it?

October 23. A "holiday" made for avid chemistry fans, big and small due to the fact that Avagadros Number (6.02*10^23) is very important in that field. Mole day is celebrated on Oct 23 because of the 10^23.

Dude, its Mole at the lab all night long!!! w00t

👍83 👎25

What does "Mole Day" mean?

As Pi day is celebrated by all the math geeks out there, Mole day is affectionatly welcomed by all of the science geeks, especially all the chemistry majors. It is celebrated October 23 and commemorates Avogadro's Number (6.02 x 10^23), which is a basic measuring unit in chemistry.

dude happy mole day!

👍53 👎15