Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mogul?

When cum runs down a girls abs after shootin your load on her.

That chick has a 6 pack, I'm so gonna moguls her!

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Mogul - meme gif

Mogul meme gif

Mogul - video


Mogul - what is it?

an alpine speed-bump

That mogul put me on my ass! I'll ski more safely next time...

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What does "Mogul" mean?

Moguls are bumps in a ski slope formed when skiers cut grooves in the snow as they execute turns.

For forum use, mogul may be typed instead of the word 'BUMP' to bring a topic to the top of the forum list.

The skier cut a mogul into the slope.

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Mogul - what does it mean?

Qualities relating to one who is rich, powerful, and/or influential.

All these bling properties I bought are really enhancing my mogulness.

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Mogul - meaning

When someone radiates big mogul energy, or has the ability to be a mogul. Can also be used as a way to flaunt your top mogul status.

Alisa Ramirez: I find tranquility in my Mogulity

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Mogul - definition

A very powerful and influential person in a business/industry. Power derived from experience and skill, not popularity (most celebrities while called moguls are in fact not).

1. Rockefeller was a mogul. The Olsen Twins are not.

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Mogul - slang

A word commonly used by the Twitch and YouTube streamer Ludwig Ahgren, a very Pog word.

β€œThe mogul moves!” Ludwig, my good friend, exclaimed.

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Donald John Trump's Secret Service Code Name

Air Force 1 Mogul delivered. Safe flight, Mr. President.

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Most annoying fuckin thing a snowboarder (like me) has to deal with

I was cruisin out from the trees and flew off a fuckin mogul... shit that hurt.

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The process in which a female jerks off two men simultaneously ski pole while being nailed from behind.

The movements are strikingly similar to a downhill mogul skier.

A variation can be added by pulling out of the females vagina and slamming your penis into her ass, thereby causing her to flinch upwards and look like she is doing a ski jump, the end of a mogul skiers run.

Chris, Ian and Kevin were running the moguls with Veronica.

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