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What is Mittato?

Mittato (Often named Tomato/Pronounced Meet-ah-toe), is known as a big fucking chad, a whole unit, a gigachad, an alpha male. People with this name (either as a username or actually named like that) are the pinnacle of dripness. They're very funny and are rumored to have invented humor. They're very socially awkward though so that's minus points. They're very loyal and sexy and hot and will probably get any girls/boys they want. Any argument you have with them will end up with them destorying you. Many "ur mom" jokes too. If ever confronted with one in the enemy team, immediately run away and give up on any attempt to argue or fight back. I repeat, they're too smart for any persone to confront. They also have more than 500 IQ points and will always brag about having dicks longer than roads if they're a male. Will always dominate you in bed and in any place.

Person: "Holy shit is that Mittato?!"
Person 2: "Quick act cool! He's the most popular guy in town! He's coming with his 9 girlfriends!!"
Mittato: "I commited baby produce with your mom."

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Mittato - video