Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mistar Stassi?

The "JeffK" pronunciation of the name "Mister Stasis". See "JeffK" and "1337".

hX.Stasis is a person who is believed to be a 1337 haxx0r by many, including himself at times. See "hX".

"Mistar Stassi si teh 1337!!!111"

"WOWES Mistar Stassi sure knoes his haxx0ring OMG ROFLAAMO"

"Teh X BOXE si a hueg boxe!!11 Rihgt Mistar Stassi?//1??/"
"SILENCE! You may now speak."
"Tahnk yuo taht will be all."

👍47 👎17

Mistar Stassi - video