Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Ming Ching?

An only Asian phrase that is used when you're in the mood for some good dick.

Michael: Hey Wong!
Wong: Ching ming ling let me get that dilk!
Michael: What the fuck is wrong with you Wong?

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Ming Ching - video


Ming Ching - what is it?

1. Noun: derrogative term used for someone of Asian descent, often proceeding a racial slur

That Ching-Ming works at the strip club on Tuesday evenings after being replaced at the factory.

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What does "Ming Ching" mean?

Extremely racist term for person of asian descent

you are such a ming bing ching man

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Ming Ching - what does it mean?

an asian boy who most likely does it with your mom

hey bro, that guy looks like he could be a ming ching!

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