Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Megahertz?

A cool person, typically with a mental disorder of sorts, kind of funny, pretty insane. Often found doing things you’d hope to see in an episode of Looney Tunes.

Person: Megahertz Arteest is up to something again!
Person 2: ah shit here we go again

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Megahertz - meme gif

Megahertz meme gif

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Megahertz - what is it?

A fancy way of saying you're wounded or sick. Proper usage would be:

omg, my arm megahertz.

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What does "Megahertz" mean?

(n) 1. A measurement of frequency; equivalent to 1 million cycles per second. Often abbreviated as MHz.

2. Any kind of data or processing power commonly sought after by hackers, who attempt to steal it from one's computer. Usually results in an incoherent string of words from the victim after being stolen.

1. The frequency of the radio waves used by FM stations is usually measured in megahertz.

2. After discovering that the reason that his computer was running slowly was because of a hacker, John shouted, "OH NOES!!!!11!111 t3h HaXorZ r 5+0leD M3H m3G@hUr7ZZ!!!11111!11!1"

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