Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Me and chris?

Dont mess with me or ill whup ur ass and fuck ur mother

Kid 1: Ur a fatass
Kid 2:Dont kanye me or ill chris brown u and tiger woods ur mother
Kid1: Ok My bad dude im sorry

👍73 👎27

Me and chris - video


Me and chris - what is it?

Meaning Not to cut you off, or you'll beat him/her up, and have sexual intercourse with his/her's mother

You: I was making a new drawi-

Him/Her: Did You Guys hear about Jason's new GF?!

You: Don't Kanye Me, or I'll Chris Brown you, and Tiger Woods your Mother

👍157 👎33

What does "Me and chris" mean?

a playful threat of domestic violence

Girlfriend: Babe, will you rub my feet?

Boyfriend: No, stop asking me, bitch! Don't make me go Chris Brown on you...

👍33 👎11

Me and chris - what does it mean?

Shipping yourself with Chris cause he's so fucking hot, cute, handsome, sexy, beautiful. Only boys are allowed to use this.

*nocontextnba posts a suspect picture*
Everyone in the comments: Me and Chris

👍31 👎13