Definder - what does the word mean?

What is McWorld?

what will happen if individual cultures disappear, replaced entirely by American culture.

A McWorld will never take place because American companies (such as McDonald's) and products will never displace local cultures but instead be integrated into them, while themselves integrating local culture and tradition.

Used in August 1999 National Geographic Magazine.

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McWorld - meme gif

McWorld meme gif

McWorld - video

McWorld - what is it?

Symbolizes global markets rooted in consumption and profit, leaving to an untrustworthy, if not altogether fictitious, invisible hand issues of public interest and common good that once might have been nurtured by democratic citizenries and their watchful governments.

There is simply no efficient way to do justice to the multiple Jihads that have sprung up within but against McWorld from a region that is within McWorld's borders without being of McWorld.

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