Definder - what does the word mean?

What is McBastard?

One who is a jackass.

Rarely used to describe a homosexual, unless this homosexual happens to share the qualities of one who is a jackass.

Check out that Fruity McBastard!

👍51 👎13

McBastard - video


McBastard - what is it?

Since McDonald's changed its dollar menu, the McBastard is the illegitimate bastard offspring of the McGangBang. The McBatsrd consists of a Grilled Onion Cheddar Burger smooshed with a Buffalo Ranch McChicken.

"Jesus this McBastard is a delicious new chimera of patheitc American psudo-food!"

"Fuck a McGangBang I'm gettin a McBastard."

👍29 👎13

What does "McBastard" mean?

A McDonalds employee that messes up your order, and is normally white

"That guy forgot my McChicken"

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McBastard - what does it mean?

A Male manager at McDonalds.

I wanted 10 chicken McNuggets! Lemme talk to McBastard over there.

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