Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Man-Splaining?

The male art of explaining a concept in such basic terms that even a woman could understand it.

So I was man-splaining to my wife that toothpaste is best squeezed from the bottom and not from the middle of the tube.

👍31 👎25

Man-Splaining - meme gif

Man-Splaining meme gif

Man-Splaining - video


Man-Splaining - what is it?

A term a woman uses when she feels that she is losing an argument to a man and takes the cowardly route of the victim card.

Her: What, those girl-power memes I post every day are a way of my compensating for the lack of confidence I have in myself? Why don't you shut up and quit man-splaining it to me?

👍109 👎75