Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mahr's?

gets mad easily. won’t admit he’s wrong when he is. he’s a hoe. he keeps dating the same girl. once again a hoe nicknames: wigheard, hoe, maddie, ruff ruff. self proclaimed “soul doctor
he’s a major dick that can’t keep a girlfriend and has commitment issues like the hoe he is

smacie: wow wyatt mahr he’s such a hoe
smemma: yes he is.

👍25 👎11

Mahr's - meme gif

Mahr's meme gif

Mahr's - video


Mahr's - what is it?

Origin: Sept 23

1. The most amazing man; one who reels in a women with ease and genuine acts of sensuality.

2. A God in bed; radiates sexuality.
3. A sexy beast of a man; excitingly appealing in every way.
4. A limited quantity; one of a kind

"Marco Mahr-co"

"I just met a Marco on Plenty of Fish, Yeah, it's like winning the lottery."
"That guy could never be a Marco, a Marco's one of a kind"
"Sorry for your lack of orgasm, too bad you don't have a Marco"
ADJ. "He Marco'd me as much as possible, but it wasn't enough because he's not at true Marco".

👍41 👎19

What does "Mahr's" mean?

Japanese Music

"It's like..mahr."

👍37 👎51

Mahr's - what does it mean?

Mahre is a name of a beautiful, thick, not so smart but can definitely get people with her looks, & warm hearted women.

He was blinded by ' Mahre '

👍27 👎11

Mahr's - meaning

A mahr is the obligation, in the form of money paid by the groom, to the bride at the time of Islamic marriage.

100 k for the Mahr flop and i aint cooking or cleaning Periodt....

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Mahr's - definition

Particularly good at deepthroating, often known to be a kind and giving person but when needed can be fucking violent. Good kisser. She's super good at making friends and keeping things unawkward, but she is also very sensitive and can get hurt easily. Through all this, she forgives easily and puts things in the past. She's short in height, but also has a sweet ass and nice tits (basically an amazing body). Overall very sexy.

Wow Mahre is fucking great, I love her.

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