Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Magikarp?

the act of loosing control of one's limbs whilst experiencing extreme sexual pleasure.

i giv 'er 3 fingers and she magikarped like a cod on a cock

in out in out you magikarp about

👍359 👎185

Magikarp - meme gif

Magikarp meme gif

Magikarp - video

Magikarp - what is it?

When you take a dead fish and jerky off a hobo with it.

Greg: Dude what happened to you last night? We were party'n our asses off.
Steven: Sorry man. I went Magikarping with my grandma.

👍93 👎23

What does "Magikarp" mean?

Magikarp is renound for being utterly weak and pathetic but when it reaches level.20 you better run because Gyarados will beat the shit out of you

Magikarp is finally evolving!

👍27 👎13

Magikarp - what does it mean?

1. An utterly useless pokemon that should have been massacred until extinction immediately after its discovery.

2. Someone who is so bad at life that the only thing they will ever achieve is the title of "complete and utter failure."

3. An extremely weak person.

Some of my friends are complete Magikarps, they are never going to do anything in their lifetime.

👍43 👎65

Magikarp - meaning

The crap ass pokemon that is red and orange. Hello! Please, why on the hell did the creator made Magikarp? He's the useless piece of shit in the pokemon universe! If they took out Magikarp and left Gyarados then the whole world wouldn't have air pollution! XD. It has the frickin move Splash, and it is a waste of everyone's time. Magikarp fans have to reconsider this: Is Magikarp really a badass pokemon?

Me: Hey Dratini, let's fish!
Dratini: Draaa. (Yea, sure whatever.)
Me: (Grabs fishing rod and gets a catch.) Holy Shit! It's a Magikarp!
Dratini: Dratini! (This Pokemon IS a piece of shit!)
Me: Dratini! Use Draco Meteor!
Dratini: Draaatttiinniiiiiii! (Die!)

Congratulations! Dratini is level 100!

👍75 👎187

Magikarp - definition

The most pointless of all Pokemon. Magikarp (also known as Magikrap) is a retarded-looking fish that sucks ass, because it's only attack, Splash, doesn't do shit. The most common response from someone playing, when they encounter a Magikarp, is "Fuck, a damn Magikarp." The only good thing about Magikarp is that it evolves into Gyrarados, which is a fairly strong Pokemon.

Kid playing: Empoleon! Use surf! *starts surfing on the water*

Game: *swiches to Wild Pokemon screen* A wild MAGIKARP appeared!

Kid playing: Fuck, a damn Magikarp.

👍421 👎411

Magikarp - slang

A girl/boy who's flirting techniques are less than desired. Has only one move and uses it constantly. Like Magikarp with splash, it is all he/she knows and it is ineffective.

"Dude isn't she so hot?"
"yea, but shes boring. total magikarp, brah"

👍119 👎55


A strange fish pokemon with cravings for cheesecake

Person 1: Hey, what's that?
Person 2:It's a Magikarp

👍191 👎69


Strongest person alive. Better then Tony-Tiger.

Girl 1: That man is so Magikarp.
Girl 2: Such scandalis. Much wow.

👍47 👎15


The best Pokemon in the universe. It's Splash attack can do over 9000 damage to any Pokemon on the game. It's weaker form, Gyarados, is used in OU play because Magikarp is so broken and godly.

Boy: Go Magikarp!
Pokemon Champion: I forfeit...

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