Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Mactown?

When a rather horny male, takes a warm batch of brownies out of the oven and sticks his schlong into the brownies, for a warm sensible pleasure.

God danggit Jimmy! Get you schlong out of my brownies, you mactown brownie smusher!

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Mactown - video


Mactown - what is it?

The slang name for the small town Winamac located in Indiana almost precisely at the midpoint of Indianapolis and Chicago.

I went home to MacTown for the weekend and partied like a rock star!

👍39 👎73

What does "Mactown" mean?

a pimps area for pimpin

nigger get the fuck out dis is my mactown

👍53 👎23

Mactown - what does it mean?

Slang name for Macon, Georgia.

I was born in Columbus, Georgia but grew up in Mactown.

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