Definder - what does the word mean?


When you've made a mistake that's so easy to not make it, but you still do it, like misspelling brain to brian.

Also is used by peers / friends through gaming sessions when you've doone something stupid.

You have such a molecule brain!
Fuck, I feel like i got a molecule brain.

👍27 👎13

MOLECULE - meme gif

MOLECULE meme gif

MOLECULE - video


MOLECULE - what is it?

The magic material Reed Richards of the Fantastic Four invented so that superheroes wouldn't shred / burn / rip up their clothing when they used their superpowers. Now used figuratively to mean some material that you just can't get rid of or rip up.

The shrink wrap on this CD must be made out of unstable molecules.

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What does "MOLECULE" mean?

when you place your balls on top of your buddy's balls, creating four balls in the shape of a square.

me and my homie did the gay molecule yesterday.

👍25 👎11

MOLECULE - what does it mean?

Figment molecules that are created by stress within your body, and usually reside within the stomach, neck, or head. They can be reduced through exercise, gorging on comfort food, drinking, sex,or dancing 'it' out.

1. I have acquired a lot stress molecules lately. Therefore, I am gorging myself on ice cream and beer.

2. He has filled my last stress molecule today!

3. Phil: Hey Jane what's wrong?

Jane: I've got a lot of stress molecules building up because of work :(

Phil: Do you want to dance 'it' out?

Jane: Hellz yeah! :)

👍33 👎15

MOLECULE - meaning

Particles that are brewed from ones feces that are expelled from the anus and become airborne after a fart that may enter an innocent bystander's nose or mouth and ends in a result of ass molecules being comsumed into ones nostrils and lungs getting to know someone's fecal DNA.

Colin passed gas? Oh Great! Now I have Colin's ass molecules in my mouth!

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MOLECULE - definition

To be mocked and ridiculed, made to feel especially small and insignificant.

After her thesis was shredded by her dissertation committee, she left feeling totally moleculed.

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MOLECULE - slang

slang word for "pure" MDMA, or, ectasy used in the hippie scene. also known as mollyit comes as a crystalline powder in gelcaps. normal effective dose is .1 grams for roughly 20$ per. molecule is a way more heady alternative than regular rolls.

gogurt was parachuting tenths of molecule in his anal wind sock all goddam day at bonnaroo.

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i dont know what a molecule is

molecules are something i dont know

👍47 👎17


A substance that has two or more atoms chemically bonded together. Examples are H2, H2O, N2, O2, etc. Remember, a molecule is formed by as least two or more ATOMS, so a single oxygen atom (O) is not a molecule.

Sometimes, molecule and compound are very hard to distinguish, for example, H2O (aka water) can be both a molecule AND a compound.

Hydrogen is a molecule because it is made of two hydrogen atoms (H2).

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Two or more atoms that are chemically bonded together.

The lake is full of water molecules.

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