Definder - what does the word mean?

What is MOD SUN?

Movement On Dreams Stand Under None. Modern Sunshine. Dylan Smith, used to be the drummer in Four Letter Lie. He's from Minnesota. Makes a type of music called Hippy Hop. He's got nothing but positive energy.

-Yo, did you have fun at that concert you went to?
-Hell yeah! Dude, this white dude got on stage and just started gettin it. First thought "Damn, this white guy can rap!"
-Who was he?
- Mod Sun. I even met him after the show, he was a really cool guy! and I got a picture with him! :)

👍101 👎27

MOD SUN - video


MOD SUN - what is it?

Movement On Dreams Stand Under None. Modern Sunshine. Dylan Smith, a super dope guy from Minnesota. Makes a type of music called Hippy Hop, used to be in the band "Four Letter Lie." He's got nothing but positive energy. "Most people have a fan base, I myself, have a friend base. So if you like what you're hearing don't consider yourself a fan of Mod Sun, consider yourself a friend of mine and I hope you let me in to your circle of friends" This guy is going places! Oh, and No Girlfriend Til He Makes a Million!!!

-Yo, did you have fun at that concert you went to?
-Hell yeah! Dude, this white dude got on stage and just started gettin it. First thought "Damn, this white guy can rap!"
-Who was he?
- Mod Sun. I even met him after the show, he was a really cool guy! and I got a picture with him! :)

👍207 👎41