Definder - what does the word mean?

What is LezDom?

lesbian femdom

Discord Mod 1 "Hey, you see that new Lezdom hentai?"

Discord Mod 2 "Nah man, I was too busy giving E-girls my money for feet and thigh pics"

👍27 👎13

LezDom - meme gif

LezDom meme gif

LezDom - video


LezDom - what is it?

Extreme lesbian-on-lesbian domination;

Frequently lezdom acts as pro-feminist pornography, putting dominance and control in the hands of women.

Susie and Veronica played their new Lezdom DVD and realized how amazing it was to watch ruthless lesbian mistresses tormenting their submissive female slaves with brutal delight.

👍167 👎41