Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lego Land?

when you become so high you feel like the whole world is made out of legos

"dude... dude I've just arrived in lego land"

"last night I went to lego land and when I woke this morning I still felt all blocky!"

👍37 👎23

Lego Land - video


Lego Land - what is it?

when you become so high you feel like the whole world is made out of legos

"dude... dude I've just arrived in lego land"

"last night I went to lego land and when I woke this morning I still felt all blocky!"

👍37 👎21

What does "Lego Land" mean?

a state that you're in when you get so high off of weed that the world(including yourself) looks like and feels like legos

-four hours worth of smoking- "Dude, Cass..... I just arived in lego land"

"Last night I got so high I went to lego land, I still feel all blocky!"

👍47 👎33