Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Lanson?

Biggest lanky try hard ever

"Hey look there is a Lanson"

👍25 👎11

Lanson - meme gif

Lanson meme gif

Lanson - video


Lanson - what is it?

A sexy man with long male genitalia he is very sexy and compassionate and has probably saved a baby before

everyone loves Lanson every girl loves him so much and wants to twerk everywhere in front of him because of his sexiness most Lansons are very strong lacrosse players .

That guy over there is such a Lanson.

👍35 👎13

What does "Lanson" mean?

a very tall guy with a hot body but can also be shy

that tall dude over there is a lanson

👍93 👎15