Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kurk?

When your having so much fun, you can spell turnt or krunk so you say kurked. Kurked is a feeling beyond turnt to krunk, it is the intimate party word.

Wow those Jewish people sure get kurked on Hanukkah.

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Kurk - meme gif

Kurk meme gif

Kurk - video


Kurk - what is it?

edgy teenager who lives on swearing knives and ranting like a Karen although has an edgy aura makes edgy videos or tries to be an anime boy and gets toxic very easy and that's about it

what the heck why are u acting like a kurk

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What does "Kurk" mean?

To get crazy

I am about to kurk out if I dont get my money from that ho!

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Kurk - what does it mean?

Pronounced:(k-i-r-k-e-d) When one lashes out, suddenly explodes, or bellows extremely loud to another person out of anger. More or less out of the blue and least expected to the other person.

Jessie's crazy ass just kurked out on Tonya for no damn reason!

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Kurk - meaning

to lose control of ones emotions and focus them violently outwards

Damn man, look out! that guy is kurking out and is lible to cut you!

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Kurk - definition

to be really messed up on a mind altering chemical

See how blood shot his eyes were? That dude was kurking sack

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Kurk - slang

v. To spaz, wild, or lunch out.

Im going to kurk out if if i don't get my raise this week.

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A sexual act during which 2 women dress as pirate wenches and a man dresses as a pirate captain, during which the captain pours whiskey into the 1st wenches who-ha after which the 2nd wench drinks it out.

Last night was crazy! I was kurking with Stef and Brittany. We all were so sticky.

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Pronounced:(k-i-r-k) When one lashes out, suddenly explodes, or bellows extremely loud to another person out of anger. More or less out of the blue and least expected to the other person.

Jessie's crazy ass just kurked out on me for no damn reason!

What you kurk on me for?

Your mother dealing with menopause.
Your girlfriend during her period.
A person who is sexually frustrated.

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