Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kincaid's?

A fat whore who loves noncing year belies for a hobby quite hot but still a cow. All jokes a side she’s acc not a bad person and she is barkingly banging

“Orla kincaid such a bitch but quite hot”
“Orla kincaid only loves year belows

👍25 👎11

Kincaid's - meme gif

Kincaid's meme gif

Kincaid's - video


Kincaid's - what is it?

A HOE , or shall presume HO-BO.... Taylor Kincaid has no filter and has no type , this young lad likes to suck and fuck till the sun come up & no she Dosent discriminate , she will help u but no mater if u just crossed the Mexican border .. no matter if u just got outta jail for selling methane. She will even suck u if u her friends boyfriend ... but she’s not totally insane she does have a favorite 🤣, BLACK BOYS !!! The type of blacks boys who wanna be hard but they ain’t grow up in the hood so they reallly don’t know how 😂... the worst part about it is that her momma is racist and will murder her if she finds out Taylor likes black dick .... at an outstanding body count of 7 , I fortunately haven’t seen her sex tape yet !! But when I do I will surely send it to you 😘. Taylor will wear boy boxers and pull them up to be thongs , Taylor will some a white owl and pretend it’s weed .. nothing will stop this massive monster .. she is completely unstoppable ..

Jordan ::: Taylor Kincaid? Is that you ?

Taylor : yes , why ?

Jordan :::: throw me some mo head , I’ll buy u some pods and give u a ride to qually crib

Qually : hell yes , take them panties off

Taylor : do it for me baby , ion wanna suck dick tho bc my mouth is still hurting from the ride here

👍25 👎11

What does "Kincaid's" mean?

A little bitch boi. A sad virgin till the day he dies. Kincaid’s have small dicks but big hearts and even bigger balls. Kincaid’s can pull girls but can never seem to get to all the bases because they are little bitch bois. All Kincaid’s wish for a day where they can finally seal the deal but they can’t because they are still little bitches. But they get through it though by being the very definition of a nice guy. Respecting women is their game but it never works because once again they are little bitch bois.

Yeah I feel bad for him man if only he wasn’t a Kincaid maybe he coulda pulled her

👍25 👎11

Kincaid's - what does it mean?

The middle name of an absolute badass. Dudes with the middle name kincaide have absolutely massive dicks and are to busy being 100 fucking times cooler than you

hey do you know kincaide? Yeah he’s that badass with a big dick

👍25 👎11

Kincaid's - meaning

a seldom seen, and super douchy maneuver where a man puts his testicles over a woman's eye sockets while receiving fellatio.

I gave that girl a good Jeff Kincaid last night.

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Kincaid's - definition

1: The type of person who likes to set things on fire and do drugs. If you meet one of these, run away. They like to rape and eat people.

2: A mythical creature, they are rumored to have blood made of the purest marijuana, the ability to make you insane by screaming at you and stripping, and the inexorable ability to mindrape people.

1: Guy 1- "Man, I was buying a beer from a 7-11 when I saw a Kincaid B around the corner setting fire to a kitten."
Guy 2- "For real? What did you do then?"
Guy 1- "I just walked back to my car like I didn't see anything. Nothing good woulda happened, dude, nothing good."

2: Priest: "Oh great Kincaid B of the endless rivers, give me a sign that you exist."
(Out of the sky, shit falls on priest's head)
"Thank you, oh powerful one."

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Kincaid's - slang

Kincaid's are usually very smart, good at computers, and good at running. But Kincaid's are so obsessed with geting good grades that they dont play alot of sports, or make efforts to make friends.

Person 1: "Why is that really smart kid sitting alone?"
Person 2: "He's a Kincaid"
Person 1: "Ohh"

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The name of a boy who is very very funny and can brighten up your day instantly. KinCaid would go to the ends of the earth to help his friends out. Though he may act crazy some of the times, when it really comes down to it he is very composed and smart. If you ever have the pleasure to meet a KinCaid you should bless your stars and pray to God or Jesus or to whatever or whomever you believe in, even if it's just the stars, that you will have him present in your whole entire lifetime, because he will help you to get through so much. And because he is the absolute best person out there ever to exist!!!!!

My best friend? Oh my best friends name is KinCaid. He's literally the best and is amazing

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"Keeper of the Rock" - Irish family that were hired thugs in Northern Ireland during the medieval times.

We need to hire someone to guards our castle. Let's hire the Kincaid clan

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The name of a boy who is very very funny and can brighten up your day instantly. KinCaid would go to the ends of the earth to help his friends out. Though he may act crazy some of the times, when it really comes down to it he is very composed and smart. If you ever have the pleasure to meet a KinCaid you should bless your stars and pray to God or Jesus or to whatever or whomever you believe in, even if it's just the stars, that you will have him present in your whole entire lifetime, because he will help you to get through so much. And because he is the absolute best person out there ever to exist!!!!!

My best friend? Oh my best friends name is KinCaid. He's literally the best and is amazing

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