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What is Kentucky plug?

When your girl is on her period without a tampon so you just stick a thumb in it

Stacy ran outta tampons so I just gave her the good ole Kentucky plug

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Kentucky plug - video


Kentucky plug - what is it?

Not sure Brandon asked me to

Hmmm very good Kentucky plug

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What does "Kentucky plug" mean?

Stick a thumb in it

Getting the old kentucky plug tonight, no slap rounds needed

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Kentucky plug - what does it mean?

a sex position that you jam a thumb up a partner ass like Kentucky ballistic shove his thumb in his jugular

person 1 she wants the Kentucky plug

person 2 run away from her now

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Kentucky plug - meaning

When your jugular is severed and you stick your thumb in it to not die because a SLAP round exploded in your face it is also a new sex position you figure that one out with her

Guy 1: I gave her the Kentucky plug last night
Guy 2: Ahh man that's so sick

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Kentucky plug - definition

When you're doing her from behind, and she calls out "oh scooter"

So you give her a Kentucky plug (you stick your thumb in it) the good old bum thumb.

I totally gave Meredith the Kentucky plug last night.

Scott would be so proud.

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Kentucky plug - slang

Sticking your thumb in an Orifice, after having a large load blow up in you face

Brandon Herrera wanted the Kentucky plug so Scott gave it to him!

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Kentucky plug

The Kentucky plug is a sex position where a very large male shoves his entire thumb up a female's anus to the point where it clogs her jugular.

Oh babygirl, I'm going to do the Kentucky plug to you tonight.

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Kentucky plug

When you blow a load on her face and spin her around and shove an thumb in her ass and yell "just put a thumb in it" and then pull it out really fast and see how hard that slap round really hits

Hey baby can I pull the Kentucky plug on you tonight

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Kentucky plug

A Phrase meaning to stick a thumb in it or Stick your thumb in your partner’s ass

Tonight I’m gonna Kentucky plug my wife’s sister

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