Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Kate Middleton's?

A benefitor of affirmative action, and she's not even African.

Why is Kate Middleton a benefitor of affirmative action?

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Kate Middleton's - video


Kate Middleton's - what is it?

A woman whose only asset in a relationship is having kids and smiling.

He married a Kate Middleton, who at least gave him kids even if she brings nothing else to the table. I hope he got a prenup!

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What does "Kate Middleton's" mean?

The leader of the KKKate, a group of white women hating on successful black women. She’s also known as Karen Middleton. She’s also known for being a grifter and a social climber. Usually stalk a man and wait 10 years for him to propose. Her best friend is Rose Hanbury, her husband’s mistress.

Kate Middleton made Meghan Markle cry and leaked it to the press that it was Meghan who made her cry as a true Karen.

Kkkate is at it again.

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Kate Middleton's - what does it mean?

The soon to be pretty damn hot queen of england, and by far the hottest member of the english royal family

Kate Middleton, the term posh wank just got a whole new meaning

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Kate Middleton's - meaning

A woman whose only asset in a relationship is producing children and smiling.

He married a Kate Middleton, who at least gave him kids even if she brings nothing else to the table. I hope he got a prenup!

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Kate Middleton's - definition

Aka Duchess of Cambridge. She is the beautiful, stylish wife of Prince William and his three adorable children.

Every single time Kate Middleton wears something, it immediately sells out in every single country.

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Kate Middleton's - slang

The future Queen of England.

Kate Middleton is definitely an upgrade in the House of Windsor compared to the likes of Camilla the Duchess of Cornwall.

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