Definder - what does the word mean?

What is KRUDD?

A quantity of cash (see pony, monkey) of value 900 dollars. A government handout. Dropping money from helicopters.

Derived from krud and Rudd - Prime Minister of Australia who is responsible for the economic stimulus handout.

Hey dude, you been stimulated yet? I got me krudd in the mail today...sweet

👍83 👎41

KRUDD - meme gif

KRUDD meme gif

KRUDD - video


KRUDD - what is it?

Similar to crud.
A substitute for the word crap, or something described as crusty and nasty.

Krudd refers specifically to the tasty ear wax of Australian prime minister Kevin Rudd.

👍155 👎51

What does "KRUDD" mean?

Alternative name for the leader of the Australian communist party (aka Labor Party) and Prime Minister of Australia, Kevin Rudd.
kevin rudd

Krudd is a dick, he will destroy this country

👍243 👎81