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What is John Basedow?

A fitness "Celebrity" famous for shilling exercise machines by showing his RICDICULOUSLY chiseled abs that he got before the product was even thought of.

What the hell is John Basedow famous for?!?

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John Basedow - what is it?

A fitness guru whom pioneered the "Fitness Made Simple" plan, for simple people. He is seen in many infomercials promoting this plan which involves weight lifting at a heart-pumping, cardio pace without "tricky dance moves" or "high impact gyrations." He never aged past 23. He is also insanely ripped, and could kick Chuck Norris's ass.
He was rumored to have been killed in a tsunami while vacationing in Thailand, which was false. Not only was Basedow not in Thailand at the time, he could not have been killed by a tsunami.

Human 1: "Hey did you see John Basedow in that lady's fridge?"
Human 2: "Yeah, he had to eliminate the simple carbohydrates and trans fatty acids from her diet because she is fat."

Chuck Norris: "John Basedow could kick my ass."

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