Definder - what does the word mean?

What is Jeff Bozos?

Some dimwit who runs amazon and treats their workers like what comes out of a dogs butt.

Stan: Ew it's Jeff Bozos.

Philip: Yeah what a prick

👍51 👎15

Jeff Bozos - video


Jeff Bozos - what is it?

Jeff Bezos's doppelgänger, a bozo

Sam: Hey I think I just saw Jeff Bezos in my shantytown. I wonder what he was doing there.
Harry: No you saw Jeff Bozos

👍63 👎15

What does "Jeff Bozos" mean?

Bezos got rich by being smart, Bozos got smart by being dumb.

if you were a rich person your name would be JEFF BOZOS

👍65 👎13